Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Is it really JULY already?

Gosh..time flies, and I am remiss at being a very diligent blogger!  I'm really going to work at being better about that!  (Did I say that before?)

Soap has really picked up after a slower-than-normal spring...and now it's so busy I can barely keep up most days.  But no complaints about that here!   Glad to see stores stocking their shelves liberally again, and faire and festival vendors selling so much soap again!  Afterall, people really cannot do without being CLEAN....or the best way to GET clean--handmade soap!  It remains a small luxury that most can still afford and enjoy...and always a tasteful & wanted gift!  We've seen a surge in *custom* soaps for a variety of retailers and I'm having so much fun creating specialty concoctions for them!  I put on my mad-scientist hat and off I go on a tangent, .....herbs, oils, and botanicals flying over the worktable!  Some of the biggest messes yield the biggest successes! 

Trying to strike a balance with soapin' and artin', but as usual, never enough hours in the day.  I'm experimenting with new ways to stretch the day and "make" more time for art, including getting up earlier at least a couple of mornings a week.  That extra creative time, despite lost sleep, seems worth it!  Many "early bird worms" - art projects on the drawing board.... :)

Summer heat brings altered schedules to deal with production on these hot days.  The last place you want to be at the hottest part of the day, is over a hot gas burner, stirring a giant pot of soap!  GAH!  So this fits well with my earlier-riser schedule as well...then siesta-time at peak hot time. 

My darling husband and I have been groggily enjoying sipping our coffee as we watch the sunrise on the back patio each morning, conspiring our plans to conquor the world for that day.  Crazy as it sounds, holiday plans are just around the corner...or so I have to plan for with soap offerings.  Wholesale clients actually DO start ordering as early as August for their holiday displays and planning. Hard to put on my Santa hat on over my beach hat.

Look for a soap update soon.....including a new line of soaps inspired by vampires and requested by vampire-lovers!  Mwhahahaha!

I'll leave you today with a quote I love, by Albert Einstein....

"Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming attractions."