Thursday, March 8, 2012

FULL MOON Thursday - Moon Art Sale!

Last night my middle child Nick, age 24, called me..."Mama, go look at the moon rising!"
He knows how much I love the moon.  And the story book Goodnight Moon was an evening ritual when my three were wee ones growing up!  Made me smile that they don't forget these simple pleasures!
************************************************************************** got me deciding to have a Full Moon Art Sale to celebrate it!

Four of our most popular moon art prints on sale TODAY ONLY, only $10 each!
These are giclee-quality prints, Folks, printed on Velvet Fine At paper with archival inks.

(NOTE: The discounted price will not show up on the shopping cart, we take it off on our end manually.  If we forget, you get a print for FREE!) 

 "Moon Potion"

 "Witching Hour"

 "Come To The Beltane Fire"

"Spirit Grove"
