Happy, Beautiful, GREEN March!
(Cup of Gold vine in my backyard garden....)
The garden is bursting with blooms here in San Diego! Spring is here-ish...or trying to stay, in-between bouts of cold weather. Regardless, it's got me in a Spring state-of-mind! And...... thinking GREEN, very GREEN!
From today 3/5 through St. Patricks Day 3/17.....every soap we carry that is GREEN, or has green in it, will be 10% off! Yup! Save some GREEN ($) by buying GREEN! That gives you a pretty broad selection to choose from, Folks!
Baja Bar, Mint Mud Cake, Spirit, Blue Cypress, Mountain Meadow, Howlin' At The Moon Summer Soap, Big Sur, Linden Blossom, Green Tea & Spearmint, Tea Garden, Wylde Faerie - Fern, Moss & Mushroom, Absinthia, Wylde Wytch - Encantado, Midnight Margarita Bar, & Yule, Wylde Mermaid - Beneath The Sea Salt Soap, Rustic Collection - Russian Fir Needle.
Order as usual using our online shopping cart, and we will apply the 10% discount on our end---so don't worry when your cart total does not reflect the savings. If we neglect to apply the 10% you get a free bar of soap! This sale in-effect 3/5 - 3/17 midnight. Stock up!

Opportunity LOL kindly invited us to submit soap for a review! Here it is:
They make the great suggestion to fill your spring Easter baskets with SOAP instead of sugar!

As mentioned in a previous blog post/newsletter...we're discontinuing some soaps from our Regular Lines. All of our specialty line soaps are staying intact though! Some of you have expressed dismay at some of your favorites no longer being available. If there's something you REALLY REALLY want kept, shoot us an email and we may bring it back via our Treasure Chest Limited Edition Soaps! simplysoap@aol.com :)

Decorate your space with GREEN spring magic! And at a savings! The following Wild Oaks Art giclee-quality art prints are available, also through 3/17 for only $10 each! And again, you won't see the savings in your online shopping cart, we apply it when we run your order through manually! If we accidentally neglect to apply the 10% off and you let us know, you not only get the savings applied, but a free art print as well!
And from our Enchantasies - Bewitching Art Collection: (same $10/per print sale thru 3/17!)
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And, also in the spirit of spring cleaning through 3/17 in our Fiber Arts....every ready-made item is 10% off! Stock up now on scarves, beanies, etc.! And again, you won't see the discount in your shopping cart, we apply it manually on our end. If we forget and you have to remind us, you get the discount AND a free bar of soap!

March always has me taking out my favorite Irish movies....Tristan & Isolde, Far & Away, Waking Ned Divine....and a bevy of Celtic CD's. My St. Patrick's Day feast is a sight (and scent) to behold! You'd practically think I'm Irish, eh? But alas, I am only an honorary Irishwoman.....::curtsies:: (I'm Polish, German & English) Husband and kids have some Irish in them! I just LOVE Spring and all things green!
Hope you enjoy, and take advantage of our stock up on GREEN SALES!!!
As always, with much appreciation to my terrific customers & friends who allow me to continue doing what I do...make soap, art and wrappings, for YOU!
The Imaginative Arts of Carol Ochs
ALL at: www.carolochs.com
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