Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Feelin' the spirit!

OK, so I emerged from the bowels of the decoration shed with just enough orange to say "autumn", but not yet quite "Halloween".  I'll save the full-on decorations till at least the last week of Sept...maybe, but my Halloween bones ARE itching!  *wink*

And from the Soap Workshop:

Samhain Spirit Soap (<-click link)

One of our many soaps of the season!  A delectable blend of all autumn's favorite scents--autumn leaves, cinnamon spice, pumpkin, cherry tobacco!  Not only a rich-lathering soap, but grated or chunked-up in bowl, makes a wonderful harvest-blend potpourri for any room in your house or office!  Available in our regular parchment label, or in our Wylde Wytch Soap label!

$5.50 plain bar (no label)
$6.00 regular label
$7.00 Wylde Wytch Art label
$60.00 12-bar log (to slice up yourself, and share with your pals!)

And from the Art Studio:

"First Leaf Omen" (<--Click link)
It is said that to catch the first autumn leaf you see fall, before it touches Earth, is a very good omen! This witch is sure to have an especially magical Halloween season!

Open Edition print $14.00

Thanks for stopping by!


"Put yourself into life, never lose your openness, your childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, and things will come your way." - Federico Fellini


Zoe said... [Reply to comment]

such gorgeous images, im so excited for halloween also i have my box of decorations down just waiting for the 1st to put them up :)

Danise said... [Reply to comment]

Ahh...to late for me to catch one this year but I will pass this information on.In the spring if you wash your face in the morning due ... You will be beautiful through and through.