Friday, July 15, 2011

Last Encounters & Wishful Do-Overs.....

Oh what I wouldn't give to have do-overs for one particular afternoon last week...... 

I was in my usual mad-dash to get everything done in a typically over-booked schedule, ran into the grocery store for a few basic necessessities, and spied at the end of an old friend & neighbor.  She'd not seen me yet. Our typical run-ins usually involved a good 20 min. gabbing and catching-up session. I say "hi" and get caught up in "the usual way" with her? ...or do I quickly get what I needed, on my way, and on to the rest of my insane day?  I opted for the latter.  Sneaked on past to the next aisle and checked-out. I'm sure we've all done this a time or two or three.....

A couple of days ago, I learned that that same old friend & neighbor died suddenly of heart failure.  She wasn't terribly old, I knew she had a heart condition, but typical for her---she always downplayed any ailments she suffered.  Now I'm wracked with guilt that the last time I saw her, I was trying to avoid her.  And the funny thing was, she's not the kind of person you try to avoid.  She was always one of those people with "the right attitude" about everything!  I considered her a mentor.  I loved her.

Sooooo.....I've had a long heart-to-heart talk with her spirit, hope she heard me, and I know that she knows that my avoiding her had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with me being too-rushed a person.  But still......I wish our last enocounter had been like our usual encounters...ended with a hug & kiss. 

I miss you Joy...and I am dedicated to making my life less crazy and more flexible to seize those moments with friends rather than avoid them.  I've learned the lesson and will share with others.....